Saturday 16 June 2012

**= Bachelor of Computer Science (System & Networking) (Hons) =**

There are quite a number of undergraduates program offered at University Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), one of the undergraduates program I going to introduce today is Bachelor of Computer Science (System & Networking) under the College Of Information Technology (COIT). This IT field program is offered at UNITEN in Putrajaya Campus. UNITEN is one of the university that offers Bachelor of Computer Science (System & Networking) besides University Malaysia Pahang, Multimedia University, University Of Malaya, and University Teknikal Malaysia Melaka.

COIT of UNITEN had been established as an independent college since 1st September of 2003. It was a very new college in UNITEN and having good facilities for the students to learning. COIT having 12 computer labs which majority of the personal computers in the labs mainly run on Windows 7 and support application software and computer programming language such as Internet browsing, Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Office and others. There are also total number of 40 classroom and 3 lecture halls provided for the students.

COIT Building at UNITEN, Putrajaya Campus
Computer Lab at COIT, UNITEN
Bachelor of Computer Science (System & Networking) is 1 of the IT program which will provide knowledge and skills to students in the area of communications and networking, operating systems, mobile and embedded technologies, computer security, artificial intelligence and other related areas. The study duration of this program is 3 years which the pre-requisite is the student should finish their 1 year of foundation program. During these 3 years courses it will encompasses at least 9 semester, including 1 semester of industrial training.

There are 12 lecturers from Department of System & Networking, all the lecturers are very friendly, having good qualification and a lot of experience and always prepared to help the students whenever the students needed.

Qualification of Lecturer

Head Of Department
Name: Dr. Azizah binti Suliman
Department: System & Networking
v  Bachelor (Computer Science), Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA
v  Master of Computer Science, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
Current position: Senior Lecturer

That is nothing to much worry about to getting a job after graduates because students that graduates from this program will be easily getting  a job from various career path in ICT such as Computer Scientist, System Analyst, Programmer, Software Engineer, Web Master, Web Designer, Network Administrator, System Designer, Project Manager, Lecturer, Database Designer and Administrator to name the few.

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