Saturday 16 June 2012

Programs (Electrical Engineering)

The Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EE) program is one of the engineering program offered by Uniten can be said as well known around Malaysia due to the professional lecturer that train the Uniten EE students to be well prepared for the outside world.

After the EE students graduated from Uniten, there are a lot of big companies such as Genting Malaysia Berhad has taken in Uniten EE student to manage the Genting Highland electricity. There is also student being hired back by the Tenaga National Berhad to work as the research group.

One of the awards given to Uniten is the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Power Engineering Society(PES) award. The award signifies recognition by IEEE, the world leading professional association for engineering and technology towards Malaysia and also Uniten, throught the involvement of its staff in advancing engineering and technology.

To enter the Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering program, the student have to first take the Foundation in Engineering with a good SPM result which need at least 4 good credits in Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Physic and Chemistry. After the Foundation program has been done, the student must have a CGPA of 2.0 and above to enter the Bachelor program. If the student is not a Uniten student which did not take the foundation program from Uniten, the student is required to have taken the MUET exam, STPM, Matriculation, A-levels, diploma from recognized institute, or other equivalent qualifications at the diploma-granting institutions.

There are also a lot of facilities in the College of Engineering like the Robotics Lab, Power Electronics Lab, PCB fabrication lab, Electronics lab, Digital Logic lab and Computer lab. These facilities are to help student in getting the professional knowledge of how to use the equipments and to make a usable product to benefit the community.

So by choosing Uniten's EE programme is the right choice for better education in Electronic Engineering.

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