Saturday 16 June 2012

=~ Electrical Power Engineering Course in Uniten ~=

Electrical power engineering considers these applications of electrical energy, together with its generation, transmission and distribution, and the harnessing of sources of renewable and sustainable energy for power generation.

It is a huge industry all over the world as well as in Malaysia, where the development of new power sources such as hydroelectric dams to power the country’s rapid industrialisation has created considerable demand for expertise in the field.
Why Uniten???
Uniten is one of the award winning university in Malaysia that provide  Electrical Power Engineering course.
In Uniten , throughout their course study,student will also take up languages and course from other departments and get involved in variety of clubs and societies. 
This programme is designed to prepare students to become professional engineers and industry leader.These also course also provide wide scope of career in areas industries such as electricity supply, petroleum, automotive, chemicals,processing, aerospace and many others.

Facilities that provided in Uniten

This course is under Department of Electrical Power Engineering.The department has access to total of 188 undergraduates and postgraduate laboratories.

These are some of the laboratories:-
  • Communication System Laboratory
  • Condition Monitoring Laboratory
  • Data Communication and Networking Lab
  • Digital Logic Design Lab
  • EMF Laboratory
  • Power Electronics and Drive Technology Laboratory
  • Microprocessor Application Laboratory
  • Optoelectronics Laboratory
  • Printed Circuit Board(PCB) Laboratory
  • RF and Microwave Technology Laboratory
  • Robotics and Control Laboratory
  • Research and Project Laboratory
  • Signal Processing and Computer Lab
  • System Development Laboratory

-COE Lab-
This department also provides Computing facilities and Software.

Such as:-

  • ALTERA FPGA development tools
  • Programmable Logic Controller
  • Word processing

Qualification of Lecturers

Head Of  Department
Name : Dr. Ungku Anisa binti Ungku Amirulddin Al Amin, C.Eng.
Department : Department of Electrical Power Engineering
Academic Qualifications : 
  • PhD in Electrical Electronics Engineering, University of Nottingham,UK,2005
  • B Eng (Hons) in Electrical Electronics Engineering, Imperial College,UK,2001 
Current position : Lecturer

Head of Unit - Undergraduate Program Assessment
Name : Dr. Azrul Mohd Ariffin
Department : Department of Electrical Power Engineering
Academic Qualifications :
  • PhD in Electrical Engineering, University of Southampton,UK,2008
  • B.Eng (1st Class Hons.) in  Electrical Engineering, University of Southampton,UK,200
Current position : Senior lecturer

There is so much of job opportunity for this course in industry.Uniten is absolutely a great place to study Electrical Power Engineering.So what you waiting for?? Just apply and experience a better quality of education.Thank you.

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